Berneslai Homes Board Session

    Our Chief Executive Mushtaq Khan recently delivered an awayday session for the board of Berneslai Homes, diving into both new and persisting matters currently impacting upon equality, diversity and inclusion- in housing and across wider society. The session began with a discussion of how the new government is likely to influence the EDI and housing agendas on both a national and local level- particularly in light of the new focus upon socio-economic inequality.

    We then took a look at the key recommendations from HDN’s own White Paper on the role of Boards in driving the EDI agenda, evidence from the Better Social Housing Review which contains clear findings indicating that ethnicity is a driving factor in housing inequality, and the ways in which the regulator’s new consumer standards intersect heavily with EDI.

    “EDI is not just about race; it’s about addressing disadvantage.” – Mushtaq Khan, HDN

    Our board EDI sessions also directly encourage board members to consider what specific challenges their organisation might be facing, and to use this to inform and steer their vision going forward. We believe that once a strong, purposeful, and cohesive vision is in place, boards can be assured they are driving the organisation in the right direction and begin focussing how they will effectively deliver their EDI agenda.

    We’ve partnered with Devonshires to deliver future board workshops with the aim of deepening boards’ understanding of EDI, strengthening their engagement with the EDI agenda, and maximising their impact when addressing EDI issues, right across the sector. If you would like to find out more or want us to do a session with your board, visit our webpage HERE or email us at .

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