New Tools For Our EDI Toolbelt.

    My name is Lorraine Gibson, and I work within the Community Involvement team at Greatwell Homes, based in Northamptonshire. I facilitate an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) customer group called Together Greatwell.

    Together Greatwell was formed in 2022 to bring together a diverse array of customers from various backgrounds, giving a real voice to the community. Initially, the group faced challenges in navigating the broad subject of EDI, but we have now established a clear and agreed-upon purpose. Over the past 18 months, we have significantly raised awareness of EDI within the Housing Association and its customers.

    In March 2024, Together Greatwell participated in training delivered by Housing Diversity Network. Our aim was to make our communication with customers more inclusive and to better understand the challenges some of our customers face. Many group members are neurodiverse, including those with ADD, ADHD, and dyslexia. This has provided us with valuable insights into their lived experiences and the challenges they encounter with understanding written communication.

    As part of a project, we reviewed some of our policies and procedures to find creative ways to present key points in an easy-to-understand format. We also provided links to the full policies for those seeking a comprehensive overview. While excited by the challenge, we quickly realized the need for further training to better understand available resources and to gain more knowledge about neurodiversity and the needs of our visually and hearing-impaired customers.

    We approached Housing Diversity Network for support, and after discussing our needs with Sarah, the trainer, Together Greatwell collaborated to create a bespoke learning package. Sarah embraced our ideas and added valuable content to the training. The training, held in March, was also open to our Customer Assembly & Scrutiny panels, ensuring that all involved customers could benefit. A total of 18 people attended, along with four members of the community involvement team.

    The training comprised two engaging and interactive ninety-minute sessions. We created a safe space where customers could ask questions and share their viewpoints, fostering positive discussions. Topics included the difference between equality and equity, and understanding how individuals with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and other neurodiverse conditions communicate. Customers shared their lived experiences, enriching the discussions. The atmosphere was positive, with breakout rooms for group discussions that were later shared with the wider group. It was great to see all attendees benefit from the training and feel comfortable asking questions.
    After the training, attendees provided feedback, expressing a desire for more sessions like this and appreciating the engaging format. While we received some challenging comments, the overall positive response highlighted the training’s value and engagement, as evidenced by everyone staying for the full sessions.

    This training is now on our agenda to be shared this summer with our Greatwell Homes staff. Inclusion is for everyone, and it is crucial to communicate in a way that makes information easy to understand and impactful. We have all learned so much and gained a deeper understanding of the challenges our customers and staff face. While we may never get everything right, our commitment to continuous learning and improvement ensures that we strive to provide the best support and understanding for our customers.
    Together Greatwell at Greatwell Homes is now adapting the way we communicate. With our new tools, we strive to make our interactions more effective and impactful, ensuring our communications are inclusive and accessible, reflecting the diverse needs of our customer base.

    Written by
    Lorraine Gibson

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